Academic activities suspended


Academic activities suspended

Following the decree issued on March 11th, by the Prime Minister, Polimoda has decided to temporarily suspend all classroom teaching activities until April 3rd, 2020 and adhere to the Italian government’s request to avoid contact with others by focusing on remote working and technology.

We are currently offering all forms of online education and the school will keep the Polimoda community updated.

Our offices will be closed from March 16th to March 25th, but we are working remotely and will keep you updated with any further information from the Italian Ministry of Health and the Region of Tuscany. We are still accepting applications and replying to your questions. Current students can write to their course assistants for any questions or concerns and future applicants are invited to write to orientation@polimoda.com 

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind our students to stay home and take advantage of all forms of technology to communicate with others. 

Thank you to the Polimoda community for your understanding.


  • Wash your hands often and correctly (it’s the first rule, the simplest but the most effective) 
  • Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands (mucous membranes are entry portals for viruses) and do not exchange objects that allow contact with other people’s saliva (food, glasses, dishes, dishes, cigarettes, etc.)
  • Covering the mouth and nose with the elbow when sneezing or coughing (sneezing or coughing in your hands increases the likelihood of transmitting viruses to other people); discard any used tissue immediately
  • Do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor (antibiotics don’t work against viruses)
  • Clean contaminated surfaces with chlorine or alcohol-based cleaners and disinfectants
  • Use the mask only if you suspect that you are sick or are caring for sick people
  • Stay home for at least 14 days after returning if you have come back from areas where the infection has spread (isolation at home on a trust basis), and contact your doctor or health authorities if fever and cough occur
  • Remember that the products and packages received from China are not dangerous
  • Consider that pets do not spread the new coronavirus
Source: Elaboration and study on the Decalogo issued by the Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ  (National Health Institute)