We continue to support young talent even after they have finished their studies at Polimoda. Those who develop an interesting business idea which could prove successful in the fashion and luxury sectors have the possibility of being selected for Polimoda Talent.
This business development platform dedicated to innovative start-ups was launched in 2016 with the goal of promoting creativity and supporting the institute’s most deserving students.
The project includes scholarships, business incubators, advanced tutoring, financing and business consultancy.
Polimoda talent is held on an annual basis through a call for ideas open to the entire network of school alumni that invites participants to propose a ground-breaking concept for a new business in the fashion or luxury sector.
TALENT 2023/2024
Who can apply
- Polimoda alumni that have completed a Polimoda Undergraduate or Master’s course and received certification;
- They must be between 18 and 30 years of age.
How many alumni are selected each year
There are a maximum of two winning business ideas a year
Who chooses the winners
An external panel of industry professionals presided over by the Director of Polimoda will select the winning projects.
6 months
A workspace will be provided inside the Polimoda Design Lab, access to the institute’s facilities for the entire duration of the program, financing and professional consultancy services with a total value of 30,000 euros.
Main dates
- Application deadline: 17 April 2023
- Announcement of winners: 2 May 2023
A look at previous finalists
A few past finalists of Polimoda Talent:
- designer Ilaria Bellomo, whose last project, Jardin Noir, was recently published in Vogue Italia;
- the founders of Dadsit – Designer Archive Digital Store (Giacomo Nasi, Nicola del Cioppo and Giorgio Matteo Lorusso), a unique platform dedicated to the collections of emerging designers which recently collaborated with i-D Vice;
- Gaia Rialti, entrepreneur and founder of Menabòh, online platform focused on the topic of upcycling;
- Alessandro Vollero, founder of Bilda Studio, a supply chain of 3D digital assets for online sale;
- hat designer Eleonora Bruno, founder of the Ely.B label of luxury crafted hats.
You can download the complete rules at this link. Please read them carefully before applying to Polimoda Talent.
Submit application
If you meet all requirements submit your application to:
Ornella Fazio – Special projects coordinator
Email: ornella.fazio@polimoda.com
For more information on Polimoda Talent, our team from the Special Projects Office is at your complete disposal from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00, on the second floor of the Villa Favard campus, via Curtatone 1, Florence.